The SEC’s Cybersecurity Incident, Governance, and Management Reporting Requirements: What you Need to Know to Avoid Cyber and D&O Coverage GapsXerox Obtains Important Pro-Policyholder Decision in New York’s First Department, Adopting Narrow Construction of “Arising From” Exclusions and Confirming That Insurers Who Show Indifference to Policyholders’ Rights May Be Liable for Bad Faith in New YorkNorth Carolina Supreme Court Unlocks the Door to COVID-19 Business Interruption Coverage, Holding that Pandemic-Era Restrictions on Use of Property Constitute “Direct Physical Loss” to Property
The SEC’s Cybersecurity Incident, Governance, and Management Reporting Requirements: What you Need to Know to Avoid Cyber and D&O Coverage GapsXerox Obtains Important Pro-Policyholder Decision in New York’s First Department, Adopting Narrow Construction of “Arising From” Exclusions and Confirming That Insurers Who Show Indifference to Policyholders’ Rights May Be Liable for Bad Faith in New YorkNorth Carolina Supreme Court Unlocks the Door to COVID-19 Business Interruption Coverage, Holding that Pandemic-Era Restrictions on Use of Property Constitute “Direct Physical Loss” to Property